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Many addicts that have achieved success in their process of recovery have done so with the aid of sponsorship. Finding a sponsor that would guide an addict through the process of recovery is known to be an effective tool. However, it is common for an addict to have little or no idea of what the role of a sponsor is in their course of recovery.

The major role and responsibility of a sponsor is to help an addict with the steps required in the recovery process and this happens to be one of the most beneficial and closest relationships addict can develop in recovery.


Sponsorship in the process of recovery from addiction requires a person as a support and who has a vast knowledge about sobriety issues and is able to be responsible and be accountable to the addict. A sponsor is like a friend, mentor and confidant who guides an addict with issues of sobriety through the addiction recovery process.

Usually, a sponsor would have gone through the process and have acquired the experience needed to help another person. They usually have a considerable amount of time staying sober and continually work to sustain the principles acquired from the recovery process in their own lives.

On the other hand, it requires the addict that is sponsored and who is becoming just newly sober to be open and honest with the sponsor. This might be a daunting challenge because it might be something that are not used to doing. Nonetheless, it is an important and crucial way of developing a relationship of trust which is the basics for a long-term recovery.


            Sponsorship in addiction requires the addict to offer guidance, encouragement and support. There are other vital functions a sponsor carries out:

  • Motivation and inspiration which is needed by the addict in the process of recovery can be provided by a sponsor
  • A sponsor can teach the addict necessary steps in living a life free and void of addiction.
  • Sponsors are a great and reliable source of information required in addiction recovery which includes their own personal experiences and testimonies.
  • A sponsor is normally a good listener, and a person that can provide support and care for the addict
  • An addict should be able to be accountable and responsible to a sponsor hence it requires for the sponsor to be trustworthy
  • A sponsor is a nonjudgmental and understanding fellow
  • Guidance in building healthy relationships can be provided by the sponsor.

Sponsoring a Recovering Addict

addict sponsorAs our society becomes more aware of what addiction is, people as a whole are becoming more compassionate toward the plight of an addict. What used to be seen as an undesirable quality in a person is now understood as a complex disease that requires a great deal of support and work in order to beat. That is why many people are asking what they can do to help recovering addicts. One thing that a drug or alcohol abuse rehab centers or support group is always in need of is people who are willing to sponsor a recovering addict to help them along the road of sobriety. A sponsor may lend support through in person meetings, phone calls or written communication.

In-person meetings between a sponsor and an addict are usually arranged in advance and are often reoccurring. Because a sponsor acts as an accountability partner, reoccurring meetings serve the purpose of checking on the recovering addict’s progress. They give the person the chance to talk with someone about their recovery, express how they are feeling, communicate any struggles they have been going through and receive advice, support and encouragement. In-person meetings are important because they usually achieve the most honest and personal communication.

One of the most important functions of a sponsor is to be available by phone when the recovering addict is in a time of need. A sponsor’s duty is to do everything within their power to encourage the addict to refrain from their addiction, so when something triggers them and they are in danger of relapsing, a support system that can be available at a moments notice is critical. A sponsor should be available most of the time, within reason, via phone to the recovering addict that they sponsor and be ready to do what they can to pull them back from relapse through love and encouragement.

Written communication between a sponsor and an addict can be particularly useful to people who express themselves well through writing. This form of communication is very valuable when a recovering addict needs to explore in depth their thoughts and feelings about their recovery journey recovery. Sponsors should be prepared to write well-thought out responses to any written communication they receive from the person they sponsor.

Volunteer as an Addict Sponsor

addict sponsor volunteerWhen you volunteer to be a sponsor for an addict, you are much more than just an acquaintance to them. You serve as an important reminder to them of the valuable lessons of recovery that will help them get their lives back on track. People who sponsor addicts are not paid for their work. It is entirely on a volunteer basis. Often times, sponsors are former addicts who fought for a recovery of their own, and can offer invaluable insight to the recovering addict who is looking to them for support. Addiction service centers and networks are in need of reliable sponsors and are eager to generate interest.

Addiction is a largely misunderstood thing. Addicts are often met with more criticism than they are met with support in the world. Even recovering addicts who are fighting so hard to regain their lives often get their faults thrown in their faces. Addict sponsors are available to addicts to counteract the negative judgments and stigmas that they encounter in the world. Where their support system may not be reliable enough to lift them up when they are struggling, a sponsor will fit the role of supporter and encourager. This simple gesture can make more of a difference than a whole pile of self-help books. There is no kind of help that people respond more dramatically to than that of a caring relationship.

If you have the desire and the ability to volunteer as a sponsor to an addict, the addiction treatment services industry would love to hear from you. Simply contact any rehabilitation center, addiction treatment facility or addiction support organization in your area to plug yourself into the network. There is typically a screening process to determine your eligibility to serve as a sponsor, but it is not rigorous. Simply demonstrate your compassion for addiction and your desire to serve and empathize with those who are struggling with it and you can begin your personal journey of serving those who want to make a recovery. North America contains many rehabilitation centers that could greatly benefit from sponsor volunteer services, such as the overtaxed substance abuse treatment centers in downtown Los Angeles or the overcrowded drug rehabs in British Columbia.